Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Executive Summary for Community Centered Libraries of Our Stewardship Community

Our Stewardship Community
Executive Summary

It is difficult for me to distill the vision and game plan for the ministry of Our Stewardship Community into just a few sentences. In my notes there are hundreds of pages of text and many pages of outlines that will become text someday.

But sometimes the Lord blesses me unexpectedly and a simple summary just flows out of my keyboard. What follows is one such example. Please read it and pray as the Holy Spirit prompts you.

At the end of this I will request your feedback in the forms of comments, suggestions and questions.

Our Stewardship Community glorifies God by making reproducing disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our unique way of ministry is by sowing and growing Community Centered Libraries in the remote villages of developing countries.

Those we especially seek to serve are subsistence farmers, orphans and rural pastors. We serve these people by collaboratively creating and distributing educational modules that provide the practical knowledge and skills.

The long range game plan calls for a few paid staff to oversee many volunteers online. The volunteers are mostly college students. Teams of volunteers will collaborate while researching, writing, editing, illustrating and translating.

Lord willing the Community Centered Libraries will have basic audio and video recording abilities. Then the local pastors, teachers and various experts will contribute valuable resources to the library collection.

The design for the Community Centered Libraries calls for more than just a place to store and loan out resources. In order to facilitate learning let there be plenty of tables, chairs and private study carrels. Let there be multipurpose rooms for classes, small groups, support groups and shared meals.

Then when the modules are used their basic needs for access to water, improved sanitation, larger agricultural harvests, alternative income streams and basic literacy will be met. The rural pastors will have biblical reference materials to better prepare messages for their congregations. Plus they will have other Christian education aids for the members to excel at evangelism, discipleship and benevolence.

Gradually this hub for learning will lead to improved economic development and enhanced quality of life of both the library patrons and others living in the area. Over the coming decades untold numbers will come to saving faith and grow as Christians to become effective leaders in their families and communities. This will break the cycle of severe poverty and hopelessness. This will pave the way to a future filled with hope filled possibilities for the following generations.

Each library will be self-governed. So that local people will provide the leadership and manage the routine operations. Our Stewardship Community will continue to offer useful resources and access to our network of advisers. Hopefully during the coming years as the Community Centered Libraries grow and mature so will our relationship with them. We will repeatedly ask what they need and want. Then we will do our best to provide what they request.

This will be an amazing adventure reaching many different kinds of people around the globe. And you are invited to partner with us by contributing your faith filled prayers.

You can join your faith with mine to imagine the following:

lots of volunteer college students gathering and cataloging practical online resources
an ever growing wiki with simple summary articles related to practical solutions
those links and articles being used to collaboratively create useful lessons in text
the text lessons being translated into many languages
the translated lessons being converted to audio and video files
these educational materials provided under creative commons licenses
local experts making suitable adjustments for their community
community centered libraries being established in remote locations
instructions for how to best use the resources as individuals and small groups
plenty of materials to help children learn how to read
lots of lessons aimed at teaching teachers how to teach better
general guidelines on how to set up and operate a recording studio for local teachers


You are invited to join us now by praying. Also your feedback will help in making improvements during this startup phase. Then later there will be ways to volunteer online and donate money.

Please take time now to share with me your comments, suggestions and questions.
